Who We Are

KCBHAC was formed to take a cross-sector systemic approach to address community needs and increase access to services here in Kendall County for Behavioral Health. We use the term “Behavioral Health” to focus on Mental Health and Substance Use issues.

How we are structured

KCBHAC is made up of a Steering Committee with County, City, School, Nonprofit, and Local Mental Health Authority Leadership. The Steering Committee has designated 6 current workgroups and 2 future groups. Each workgroup is led by 2 co-chairs and they meet monthly.

  • Schools Workgroup

  • Behavioral Health Services Workgroup

  • Judicial/Law Enforcement Workgroup

  • Substance Use Workgroup

  • Older Adults Workgroup

  • Community Engagement

  • Future workgroups: Veteran’s Workgroup, and Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Workgroup

Meet our Steering Committee

Co-Chair Al Auxier,                                       Kendall County Sheriff 
Co-Chair Steve Perez,                                    Boerne Police Chief
Dr. Kristin Craft,                          Superintendent Boerne ISD
Director Bryce Boddie, LMSW                            Hill country Family Services
Ex-officio Dr. Thomas Price, Former Superintendent Boerne ISD
Dr. Yvonne Muñoz,                          Superintendent Comfort ISD
Shane Stolarczyk, Kendall COunty Judge
Nicole Bishop,                                                Kendall County District Attorney
Katherine Mcdaniel,                                               First assistant District Attorney
Tod Citron CEO Hill Country Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities
Ben Thatcher,                                                    Boerne City Manager
Staci Almager, CEO                                            Hill Country Family Services